We are so thankful for the opportunity to meet with the people of our city and their families to help wherever we are able. Hearing about the positive impact to these communities is something we will always be excited to hear about.

Most school principals I know are extremely protective of their buildings and their families. I am normally distrustful of anyone or organization promising help, but REBUILD AMERICA restored my trust in partnerships.

Deborah Hurst

Emma L. Munger Elementary Middle School, Detroit, MI

REBUILD AMERICA purchased the food from us, loaded it in their trucks, store it in an approved environment, and then distributed it free-of-charge to hundreds of local families.  Throughout this effort, nearly 44,000 pounds of food was distributed in Detroit.

Dave Duey

Gleaners Community Food Bank, Detroit, MI

This effort made it a reality that the children receive this new school year with great enthusiasm and optimism. We are convinced that you are the heroes that made this “Back to School,” the best in the history of Puerto Rico.

Hector A. Albertorio

Governor Office of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR

Cleaning and landscaping crews worked wonders in our aging building and overgrown areas on our property.

Dr. Shawnya Tolliver

Highland Springs Elementary School, Richmond, VA

Have you ever heard of the saying “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is?” Well, REBUILD AMERICA is the exception to that old axiom.

Kevin Kondrat

Hamtramck Housing Commission, Detroit, MI


8491 Chamberlayne Rd
Richmond, VA 23227

Email: info@rebuildamerica.tv

General Office: (804) 591-2971

Church Office: (804) 262-7104


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